A Message From Our President
Hello Wicks Family,
It gives me great pleasure to guide our family in the next four years. The current elected officers for 2022-2026 and the various committees are excited and working collectively to accomplish the goals of our platform. Our goal is to continue to preserve, protect, and respect our rich heritage.
The current administration has five objectives:
Complete the Marker Project on Wicks Road that was started in 2012.
Continue to encourage family gatherings in each state the year that the Wicks Grand Family Reunion is not held.
State family gatherings will allow contact and bonding in a smaller environment which may be more economical and safer for some family members.
Additionally, state gatherings may motivate family members to attend the Wicks Grand Family Reunion.
Review and revise the bylaws for Wicks Grand Family Organization.
The world is constantly changing. Technology is constantly changing. The family is constantly changing. We feel it is time to review and revise the bylaws, maintaining our ancestors’ goals of preserving, protecting, respecting, and educating our families about our heritage.
Sponsor a resource fair at the Wicks Grand Family Reunion
The Resource Fair will be open to families and companies to share information/services with family members.
To utilize technology to connect and enlighten family knowledge of current issues and resources.
Zoom and other platforms can be utilized to accomplish this.
By accomplishing the above, The Wicks Family Organization's groundwork will continue to be well-built. Let us preserve, protect, and respect the groundwork. Let’s move forward untamed!!!
In Family,
Mildred Smith-Gatewood, President